viernes, 6 de enero de 2012

Thales, an answer for Pauli and Germinal

I think that you know who was Thales of Miletus, I knew him for his Thales' theorem with triangles, but I didn't know that he also was concerned about life. Thales attempted to explain natural phenomena without reference to mythology. He thought that the world started from water.
(He was a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher)

Pauli said me that I had to say 5 strange things about me. Maybe they aren't so strange or maybe they are.
- I'm interested in maths.
- I don't care too much the weight.
- I don't like to take medicines and sometimes I don't do what the doctor say and I don't take them. I only take them when I really feel that I'm really bad.
- I usually use three wallets, I have a lot of cards.
- I like reading.

A month ago I received a sample that I won in the Machienergy on Facebook. Today I have tried it and I like it. This is the page:

Os hablo de mi experiencia, que puede ser diferente a la de otra persona. Pone que está adecuada para los síntomas de fatiga, sin duda los que yo tenía después del catarro. Y creo que es eficaz, yo he notado la cara más fresca. La primera sensación ha sido pringosa y no me ha gustado, pero cuando se seca desaparece esa sensación. Lo que más me gusta es que sus componentes son naturales.  Por otra parte no sería adecuada para celiacos, ya que tiene extracto de hidrolizado de semillas de trigo germinadas. Aunque puede que haya otros productos de la misma gama que no contengan este extracto y si sean aptos para celiacos, sería preguntar a la casa.
Como producto me ha gustado y lo volvería a utilizar.

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