domingo, 24 de agosto de 2014

Jewelry Coco giveaway's numbers

Here is the list of the giveaway of JewelryCoco

01, 23, 45, 67 Raquel Marcos Villamañan
02, 24, 46, 68 Raquel Marcos Villamañan
03, 25, 47, 69 Msevilla
04, 26, 48, 70 Msevilla
05, 27, 49, 71 Ananka
06, 28, 50, 72 Ananka
07, 29, 51, 73 Karin
08, 30, 52, 74 Karin
09, 31, 53, 75 Kelika
10, 32, 54, 76 Kelika
11, 33, 55, 78 Airun
12, 34, 56, 79 Airun
13, 35, 57, 80 Misha
14, 36, 58, 81 Misha
15, 37, 59, 82 Petra black
16, 38, 60, 83 Petra black
17, 39, 61, 84 Ester belkis
18, 40, 62, 85 Ester belkis
19, 41, 63, 86 Ametsak
20, 42, 64, 87 Ametsak
21, 43, 65, 89 Cristie Andreea
22, 44, 66, 90 Cristie Andreea

The winner will be the one that has the two last number of the number of ONCE (Spanish lottery) of Monday 25th. If there is none, I would choose the one that has the two first numbers of ONCE of that day.
El ganador será el que tenga las dos últimas cifras del sorteo de la ONCE del día 25 de agosto, en caso de no haber ninguno se cogerían las dos primeras.


 The winner of Jewelrycoco giveaway is Cristie Andreea, congratulations!
 The number of ONCE was  65866

18 comentarios:

  1. Nice give away Enara :-)

    I hope every is going well for you, have a great day♡

  2. nice post!
    Thank you very much for your comment on my blog, I'll wait for my new post, which is a great collaboration, and do not miss it so we can keep in touch, a huge kiss, I hope!

  3. Oh I'm exited! Good luck everyone :-D

  4. Un regalo genial!! un beso!!

  5. que bonito el anillo , una pena no participar!! muaa

    Te espero en Un Rincón Para Mis Botas blog

  6. Genial, muy bonito:)

  7. ¡Qué lástima que llegue tarde! El anillo es precioso :)
    Suerte para las participantes

    Besitos desde ❤

  8. ahi estoy!! muchas gracias guapa!! el anillo es una monada!!!!! <3
    Un besotee enormee reina!!!! :)

    Estamos de sorteo gracias a Oasap, no te lo pierdas

  9. Hola guapa:

    Me encantan los anillos, son uy bonitos, sobre todo el ultimo.
    Un besote

  10. Woow Amazing rings!

  11. suuuerte a todos!!! besos rojos por doquier!


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